Friday 14 December 2012

This, dear readers, is the Wreath of Judgement. I, after regaining my sanity, went on a crusade to the North Pole Facility. I broke in with my team of robot drones, and got away with this wreath. This wreath, dear readers, is what Santa Claus uses to judge all the children of the world. It was forged in the fires of Öræfajökull before time began, by the mighty warrior Klauz. It sees into the souls of all children on Earth, monitoring the morality of them all. This, dear readers, is what tells if a child is naughty or nice.
After forging the Wreath, Klauz took it to the north pole, and began establishing a workshop there. After the great purge of fairies from Ireland, Klauz offered them a sanctuary. They called him Santahk ("saviour") and signed an eternal work contract in gratitude. Since then, Sa

PUBLISHER'S NOTE: Unfortunately, dear readers, this will be the last post this blog will ever see. Shortly after writing the previous paragraph, Santa Claus arrived at the author's house with the intent of recovering the Wreath and taking revenge for the elves murdered during the break-in. Our dear author grabbed his thermocatalytic badger and began returning fire on the sleigh, but it was not enough. He fought nobly, he fought well, and we shall never forget him.

R.I.P. Séamas
Gunned down by Santa Claus.

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